to A Little Right, THE site for the Decidedly
Right Centrist with the vision of a moderate, but decidedly Right political
landscape. With all the Right bashing going on in Congress and in the
media, it is time to band together as a resonable, moderate and unified
voice of the new future of the Right.
media has been captured by the Far Left secular progressive movement.
The Democrat leaders and '08 Presidential contenders are pandering to
the deep pocketed organizations like MoveOn and Daily Kos. Un-Patriots,
like George Soros and Sean Penn, are pushing an agenda that is dangerous
to our country and way of life. And people on the Left
of a fervent distain and dissatisfaction with the current Administration,
the ultra-liberal left are willing to sacrifice the integrity and security
of this great nation in their fight against what they perceive as a corrupt
management of the USA. At the same time, we, the realistic and moderate
Right, are painted with a stereotype of the Republican Hard-Right ideology.
so called 'tolerant' Left is intolerant of anyone with even the slightest
lean to the Right. They wish to trample on the rights of Christians, conservative
(or even just non-far-Left) talk radio with a different view from their
own, anyone interested in upholding the traditions that this country was
built on... And the list goes on.
radical right-wing is of no help either. They may have some views that
we agree with (that Christianity is acceptable and shouldn't be attacked
at every opportunity, that the Far-Left has an unhealthy vision for this
country, etc.), but they are part of the reason that the Right-Centrist
is vilified as just a bunch of "Right Wing Nuts".
position serves us or our country well. the Centrist on either side of
the line is painted by their own party as misguided and a traitor. Yes,
the Centrist to the Left is a bit misguided, but that is another story.
They are Centrists and able to see the world and political struggle from
many angles so we can't disparage them too much. |